Accelerated Learning

Learning Objective

To be able to use various methods and formats of training delivery based on accepted accelerated learning concepts, to create new & different training programmes that stimulate individual learners.

Target Audience

Those who design, produce and deliver training workshops or training events on a regular basis where ‘traditional’ methods have perhaps not succeeded, or those who simply want to enhance their existing traditional workshops.


As you might imagine, the content of this workshop is a little ‘different’ – for a start there is no pre-printed ‘participant’s manual’ as such – even the facilitator only works from a mind-map diagram rather than a tutor manual, in order to ‘practice what we preach’!

However, there does need to be some structure, so here’s the content:


Learning Styles – Visuals, Auditories, Kinaesthetics: through a self-survey, participants discover their own preferred learning style and that of the group, and what this means in terms of workshop design and planning.

Brain Dominance – Left-brain, right brain, what do these terms mean, using a self-survey the participants determine their own brain dominance and that of the group, and what this means in terms of individual learning and workshop design and planning.

Turn on work indicators – Self survey followed by group illustration of different preferred ‘modes’ of creative thinking & working – how this relates to individual success in learning and the effect on group learning dynamics.


Mind-Mapping – the use of visual illustration in a free-form (usually unstructured) manner, with the participants own preference of diagram form, shape and colour, to represent sometimes large amounts of information in conceptual form in a visual format. Much like ‘brainstorming’ but tailored for individual rather than group application.

Music – both listening to, and created by the group or individuals

– either as an active part of the workshop to reinforce learning,

– or simply as a background. Elevator music, Supermarkets – we know music influences moods, how can we use it positively in learning?

Video – watching pre-created material with breaks for discussion or team debates following, or create your own through recording real work events or in-workshop simulations, for later group debate or individual critique

Drama – Using teams of participants to create short acted-out scenes involving the whole learner group that relate to the content of the particular workshop, where the specific learning points are experienced in a personal but ‘safe’ way.

Simulations – similar to use of Drama but usually only two or three participants in private surroundings, possibly even videotaped, where participants can experiment and ‘succeed’ or ‘fail’ in a safe environment with minimal risk to self-esteem, and where more intense & personal feedback can be given by the facilitator.


As well as our own work, we draw on the research and work of:

  • Ned Hermann: (creative turn-on work indicators)
  • Christine Ward & Jan Daly: VAK Dominance, ‘Learning to Learn’


Length: 1 full day (in-house)

Format: Interactive workshop

Optimum number of participants/facilitator: 20

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