Recruiting Skills

Recruit in haste, repent at leisure…

Learning Objective

To learn and practice the skills needed to accurately define a position and person profile, write adverts, phone or CV screen to interview shortlist, interview and select the best candidate.

Target Audience

Those charged with creating & maintaining an effective work team, and who have authority to hire.


  • Defining the Job & the Person
  • Advertising
  • Screening
  • Behavioural Interviewing Techniques
  • Referee checking
  • Selecting
  • Legislation (ERA, Privacy, EEO, FT)

Job analysis, job descriptions, person profiles, writing good adverts to a formula, using an Agency, EEO and Fair Trading Act, phone or written applications, CV or phone screening, Privacy Act, shortlisting, behavioural interview techniques, questioning/listening skills, ref checking, final interviews, salary/wage banding, Agreements, ERA & Union coverage.


Length: 2 full days

Format: Interactive workshop

Optimum number of participants/facilitator: 18

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