Don’t forget to notify your closedown period


Annual Closedown:

It’s easy to forget that the Holidays Act requires that employees are advised of the close down and its exact start/finish dates a minimum of 14 days prior to the close down commencing. If you haven’t done it, now is the time in fact you might be a day late (depending on when you read this newsletter!) and this applies in every situation even though it may be ‘the normal thing’ and happens every year. You cannot assume that employees know about it. The intention is to give employees time to book flights, ferries and hotels or make whatever arrangements they wish to make.

You may also have employees who do not have sufficient holiday entitlement so they may need to make some arrangements to see them through the unpaid period.

So pop a note in their pay packet, back it up with an email, and put a copy on the staff noticeboard.

In closing, I wish you and your employees a safe and relaxing Christmas break, and all the best for 2019


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