Terms and Conditions
Refund Policy
No refund will be made on any downloadable resources. Please make your decision based on the description of the product.
Once downloaded, an item cannot be ‘returned’, and you have the media to use or not use as you prefer.
- The scheduled date of the workshop is fixed.
- The venue may change but within the same locality.
- The customer is responsible for reading the workshop outline and determining the suitability of the workshop content.
- If the workshop is cancelled by The People Effect for any reason, a full refund will apply.
- In the event of cancellation by The People Effect a replacement date may be offered which the customer can choose to accept (and transfer their payment to that date) or decline, in which case a full refund applies.
- Workshops will be ‘confirmed as running’ by email once sufficient minimum numbers have booked, and/or 7 calendar days prior to scheduled date.
- Once email confirmation has been sent, no refunds for non-attendance will be given.
- If the customer cannot attend the workshop, a substitute may attend.
Copyright Notice
Reproduction and/or distribution of downloadable resources, or workshop training manuals without prior written permission of The People Effect Ltd is prohibited.
The People Effect is a New Zealand based business and all transactions will be billed in New Zealand dollars.
Information Security
The People Effect website does not store any credit card details and is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).