Motivating Myself
What’s my Value? What’s my Purpose? Where’s my Support? What’s my Strategy?
Learning Objective
To learn to establish, from the ground up, the image of participants in their own eyes in the most positive light, build self-confidence from that image, establish a purpose, a strategy for achieving that purpose, set way-point goals for measurement and protective strategies to cope with set-backs.
Target Audience
Anyone, but particularly those who are working in an environment where success is determined mostly by the person’s own efforts.
Self image:
What have I achieved in my life so far? What are my successes and how are they recorded? Writing a ‘brag-book’ and keeping a good-news file. What are my qualifications and experience-base? What am I capable of? How important is visual & vocal image?
What am I here for? What’s the overall purpose for my being here? How can I break that down into manageable mini-purposes?
Using the ‘SMART’ model to set goals that are realistic and within your capabilities and resources. Daily goal-setting – ‘what have I done today to move the business forward?’. Prioritisation of effort. Support Structures – you may be working alone, but what support can you create, and how? Networking and Mentoring. Family issues. Time & Stress management (key points only). Celebrating successes, no matter how small. The paradigm trap. Using Vision statements. Vroom’s ‘expectancy’ (valency) theory and how you can use it.
Length: 1 full day
Format: Interactive workshop
Optimum number of participants/facilitator: 15